Current Issue

Volume 32

Australasian microtektites from the South China Sea (top) and Transantarctic Mountains (bottom) Clockwise from the top left: a sectioned spheroid with abundant vesicles, mineral inclusions and compositional banding; a collection of microtektites showing variable colours and shapes including spheroid, teardrops and dumbbells; a sectioned, optically homogeneous sphere with a central vesicle; a collection of microtektites in their host sediment. In Letter 2427 Folco et al. studied the geographic distribution of the impactor signature in the c. 0.8 Myr old Australasian microtektite strewn field extending from Southeast Asia to Antarctica and from the Indian to the mid-Pacific oceans, using Ni concentrations as a proxy. The impactor signature decreases with ejection distance. The trend opens new perspectives in our understanding of the early target-projectile interaction during large-scale impacts on Earth.

Image credit: Luigi Folco, University of Pisa, Italy, and Pierre Rochette, CEREGE, France.  Download high-resolution cover.

Molecular biosignatures in planetary analogue salts: implications for transport of organics in sulfate-rich brines beyond Earth
Salts formed during evaporation or freezing of brines can potentially incorporate organic matter that can inform about past biological activity. We analysed the lipid fraction preserved within the contemporary Lost Hammer salt deposit (Canadian High Arctic) - an analogue to extraterrestrial salt systems - and paired this with space mission-relevant evolved gas analysis. Our findings show microbial organic matter (fatty acids and n-alkanes) is incorporated into Lost Hammer salts, which comprise polyhydrated sulfates and chlorides. We find a difference in the relative abundance of fatty acids vs. n-alkanes indicating how these biosignatures evolve across active and non-active parts of the spring. We also find differences between pristine salt-organic mixtures and deposits that may have been remobilised by subsequent dissolution and recrystallisation. In this system, n-alkanes have the highest preservation potential, surviving the likely dissolution and recrystallisation of hydrated salt phases. This is important for considering the fate of organic matter on icy moons such as Europa, where salts emplaced on the surface by briny extrusions may have undergone fractional crystallisation, or where subsurface salts are remobilised by localised melting. It is also relevant for once active brine systems on Mars, where cycles of groundwater recharge and/or deliquescence led to dissolution and re-precipitation of evaporitic salts.

A. Moreras-Marti, M. Fox-Powell, J. Toney, A.C. McAdam, C. Slaymark, C.A. Knudson, J.M.T. Lewis, M.A. Salik, C.R. Cousins


Geochem. Persp. Let. (2024) 32, 1–6 | | Published 10 September 2024

Refining Hf crust formation ages in Precambrian terranes
The mechanisms and timing of long term chemical differentiation of the Earth are fundamental questions in the geosciences. We present detrital zircon U-Pb, O and Hf isotope data from Fennoscandia to assess how crustal growth can be reconciled with its known >1.5 billion year geological history. A broadly linear evolution (176Lu/177Hf = 0.0403), from chondritic mantle at the age of the oldest identified Fennoscandian crust, to present day MORB values (ɛHf(0 Ma) ≈ +16), provides a good fit with the most radiogenic zircon and whole rock Hf isotope data from the region. This mantle reference gives crustal growth peaks that correlate with known regional orogenic events. In contrast, a conventional 4.5 Ga strongly depleted mantle generates growth peaks outside of known geologic activity. Applying the same approach to the East Pilbara Terrane and SW Greenland yields model age peaks that also align with known magmatic activity. We propose that more geologically relevant crust formation ages are obtained via referencing a mantle source defined by the most radiogenic zircons/samples in the studied region.

A. Petersson, T. Waight, A.I.S. Kemp, M.J. Whitehouse


Geochem. Persp. Let. (2024) 32, 7–13 | | Published 16 September 2024