FeTiMM – A new oxybarometer for mafic to felsic magmas

FeTiMM – A new oxybarometer for mafic to felsic magmas

R. Arató, A. Audétat 5 1740 26 July 2017 8 September 2017 25 October 2017 19 23 9 Next article >> 1600 experiments (Table S-2) for the following criteria: (i) fO2 was controlled experimentally, (ii) magnetite coexists with ilmenite in at least some of the experiments,...
A geochemical link between plume head and tail volcanism

A geochemical link between plume head and tail volcanism

B.J. Peters, J.M.D. Day 5 1742 05 April 2017 28 September 2017 3 November 2017 29 34 3 Next article >> 1; Peucker-Ehrenbrink and Jahn, 2001 Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Jahn, B.-M. (2001) Rhenium-osmium isotope systematics and platinum-group element concentrations: loess...